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next125 cube
next125 cube

All immediately at hand

The perfect addition to any kitchen; it brings order and offers storage where needed.

next125 cube

Makes work in the kitchen easier and faster. You can customize your kitchen planning using the panel system. Visually and practically, it is a perfect solution. The system allows design elements to be used in niches, for entire walls or for everything in between.

next125 cube
next125 cube

From the very first use, you will get the feeling of our many years of experience with professional chefs. Kitchen roll for wiping - right where you need it. A vegetable knife in a knife block - ready and waiting. Ceramic bowls of various sizes and practical shelves as practical storage surfaces. Even spices, wooden spoons, olive oil and fresh basil are within reach. next125 Cube brings everything needed for everyday cooking right where it is needed. You won't even forget notes and recipes, next125 Cube will take care of everything easily.

CUBE_01_KITCHEN_TOWELS Optimal access to the hidden roller even when the door is closed
CUBE_02_DISHES Saving space : five stackable porcelain bowls (can be washed in dishwasher)
CUBE_03_UNIVERSAL CONTAINER For everything you want to have at hand
CUBE_05_BLOCK FOR KNIVES Ready for hand or cleaning: with two inserts for three knives each time
CUBE_06_HOOKS Always at hand, yet invisible: four hooks for kitchen tools and other things
CUBE_08_VINEGAR AND OIL Bottles right at hand. Equipped with two stainless steel shelves
CUBE_21_BOTTLE STAND Decorative solid oak natural, suitable for five bottles of wine
CUBE_30_PICTURE FRAME One frame, two options: Can be used as a picture frame or a memory board
CUBE_31_HANGING RAIL SE GLASS 6 hooks in front of the glass pane
CUBE_40_SHELF Practical shelf for storing porcelain bowls
CUBE_41_HANGING_SHELF High or low, suitable for all porcelain bowls (bowls optional)
CUBE_43_CUSHION HOLDER TOWELS The kitchen roll is conveniently within reach
CUBE_44_KNIFE BLOCK Nice protection: six knives find their safe place
CUBE_46_COOKING|| |607 Praktické: závěsné prkénko s vysokou porcelánovou miskou (lze mýt v myčce)
CUBE_47_BOARD ON STORING THINGS Vinegar and oil always in sight and quickly at hand
CUBE_50_TRAY HOLDER Hung and highly visible rack in the kitchen
CUBE_51_PANEL GARDEN WITHOUT LIGHTING For fresh herbs in the kitchen
CUBE_53_SET HOOKS With 3 simple hooks, for hanging kitchen utensils
CUBE_54_SPICE RACK Made of metal, with spice jars for different types of spices

next125 cube

Co je lepšího než vaření s čerstvými bylinkami! Panelová zahrádka s integrovaným osvětlením zajistí, že bylinky zůstanou déle čerstvé - praktické zejména v tmavších částech kuchyně. Osvětlení je řízeno časovačem, který vydává světlo po dobu 14 hodin a poté jej na 10 hodin vypne. Výsledkem jsou čerstvé bylinky, které jsou vždy po ruce. A navíc si ušetříte cestu do obchodu. A pokud už mají vaše bylinky dostatek denního světla, je panelová zahrádka k dispozici i bez osvětlení.

next125 cube
next125 cube

Avoid sharp contrasts and create harmonious combinations. Either light or dark. The onyx black on black combination offers a modern look with a virtually unmistakable presence. The next125 cube system is available in stainless steel or onyx black.

next125 cube

The perfect addition to any kitchen brings order and offers storage space where it is needed: on the wall. The built-in cabinet system is also available as part of the Pocket System!

next125 cube

Everything in sight - bowls for spices, a tray for kitchen towels, a block for knives and a drawer cabinet. A special trick? Everything is hung - nothing is lying on the worktop.